Market Trading Schedule

You’ll come to a point, while creating your trading strategy, when you have to consider what you want to trade. Not only that, but when you are actually going to trade this instrument. That’s where Swiss Vests comes into play. We’ve made the decision making a bit easier by taking a big chuck of research time and created for you an easy-to-follow map of when the trading sessions are. Now all you have to do is select which session you want to trade and your set!

Trading Session Map

Trading Session Map

Swiss Vests’ trading session map is one of the many tools that we provide our traders with. This Map is designed in such a way to help you in your decision making as well as improve your trading. The map will display the various trading hours as well as their Winter and Summer timing.

The Difference Between Winter and Summer Sessions

Trading hours in the Winter differ from the trading hours in the Summer. Why? Because there is a difference in the daylight hours and the seasons. Making important decisions while trading requires you to understand and be aware of the differences between these two sessions. Hence, Swiss Vests we use the GMT +3 during the summer season, and GMT +2 in the winter season. Best make sure you take note of the difference.

Winter Session
  • Australia: 8 pm – 5 am
  • Tokyo: 12 am – 9 am
  • London: 8 am – 4 pm
  • New York: 1 pm – 10 pm
Summer Session
  • Australia: 9 pm – 6 am
  • Tokyo: 12 am – 9 am
  • London: 7 am – 3 pm
  • New York: 12 pm – 9 pm

To make things easy for you, the above table will be added to your trading platform.


Market Trading Hours

Depending on where you live in the world, either the markets have already started, have begun to die down, or are in the middle of the most volatile time. How do you know which section you are located in? Simply consult the below table. You see, Australia kicks off the trading session, where movement tends to be calm with not much happening, but as soon as the Japanese and London markets open, movements kick into higher gear.

When it comes to the Forex and Crypto markets, they are available to open, modify, or close trades 24 hours a day, 5 days a week (7 in the case of Cryptos). Other instruments have an opening and closing time, so you best make sure you know when they open and close, as you’ll only be able to work them during those hours.

As one market closes, another is opening, and it’s during this time when volatile spikes and things tend to become interesting. That’s why keeping an eye on these trading sessions is important as prices tend to fluctuate massively and will affect your trading strategy.

With Swiss Vests you’ll be able to gain access to any of those markets, and with every trade, you’ll be one step closer to reaching your goals. If you’re still unsure, then you can request trading assistance from your Swiss Vests expert account manager, whose sole purpose is to make sure you are growing as a trader, by pointing out your mistakes and helping you learn from them. 

Here’s how the trading sessions operate, when one opens and closes and when there is an overlap.